Speaking True: Becoming a Transformational Leader

In this video, noted Leadership Coach and Internationally Accredited Speaker, Ron Chapman teaches leaders how to become transformational leaders. Transformational leaders are essential in today's business world; you can learn how to become one in this video. Transformational leaders can see the big picture and the potential in their teams. They identify and address the needs of their team members, and Lead by Example. By learning to identify the levels of leadership and the required attributes of that leader, you can become a successful transformational leader!

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To Be The Leader

Originally, the idea of leadership was drawn from ancient language to mean “to shoulder the load to show the way.” That stands in notable contrast to the ways we often think of leadership, i.e. as position, or rank, or hierarchy. Instead, it means that whoever is taking responsibility to guide others is leading, and therefore is the leader. That’s a much more grounded way to view the role of the leader.

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Guide: How to give your best Introductory Speech

One of the most common questions we get from guests who decide to introduce themselves for membership is “What do I talk about in my Introductory Speech?”. We have created this guide to help SRT guests and potential new members generate interesting ways to introduce themselves to the club and show up in the best way for your speech. Every member of SRT has been through this process and it is very effective in setting speakers up for success.

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2019 District 44 International Speech Contest: Shannon Kraiger

You may have watched a speaker on the stage and wonder how they prepared for their speech. Where did this idea come from? How did they write it and then practice the speech? What sort of help did they get before they walked on to the stage? How long did they practice before they delivered the speech?

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