The Golden Gavel of remarkability


a remarkable member inspires a new tradition

If you’ve ever attended a Toastmasters meeting, you know that it is customary to give out awards at the end of the evening for notable achievements such as “Best Speaker,” and “Best Evaluator.” However, since Speakers Roundtable is an advanced club with a round-robin format of coaching, we decided to acknowledge remarkable achievements in a different fashion.

At the end of every meeting a member (whomever received the award the previous week) gives The Golden Gavel of Remarkability to someone who did something that truly stood out and should be recognized. It’s in honor of Willie Haymon, the speaker featured in the video above.

Willie was a dedicated member of SRT until his passing in August of 2016. Through his wonderful speeches and jovial demeanor he made a point of building people up, welcoming all who joined the meeting, and (most importantly) reminding us all that we are truly remarkable.

Would you like to see The Golden Gavel in action? Please be our guest any time!